Wednesday, 6 March 2013

1885 - June Miscellaneous Part 2

The curiosity of the public as to the nature of the Kermese at the drill shed having been satisfied, there was a falling off in the attendance last night”
                                                                   Hamilton Spectator. June 11, 1885
          The second and final day of the fancy fair fund-raising event called the Kermese, had a sharp drop off in the numbers of citizens who made their way to the building on James street north where the event was held.
However, as noted in the Spectator, those who did attend probably benefitted from the lack of the crush of people who filled the drill shed to over flowing the previous day:
“The young ladies who presided at the various booths, and those who flitted among the visitors selling bouquets, plied their arts even more successfully than on the previous evening, partly because they had fewer people to ply their arts on, and partly because they had acquired more confidence in themselves.”1
1”The Kermese Concludes”  Hamilton Spectator. June 11, 1885
The amount of money raised for missionary work in the Northwest was considerable on the second day of the event even though attendance was down.
A feature of the second day at the Kermese was a short but enjoyable programme of music provided by some of Hamilton’s best musical personalities of the day.
While the music was given focused attention by those in the drill shed, the next part of the programme was less successful:
“After the musical programme was concluded, Capt. R. N. Toms, of New Zealand, did his best to interest the audience in the manners and customs of the Maories; but the audience refused to be interested, and a greater part of the lecture was inaudible excepting to those occupying seats near the speaker. Judging from the violent gesticulation of Capt. Toms, his remarks must have been extremely interesting, and those who failed to hear him no doubt lost a great deal of valuable information.”1
After the mostly-unheard lecture, the Kermese was brought to a close with an auction of many of the still unsold items, the remainder were packed up to be disposed of at a private sale.
Christian urban missionary were on move again during the evening of June 10, 1885. This time it was in the east end of the city:
“Considerable curiosity was excited among the residents in the neighborhood of Steven, Cannon, Chisholm and Barton streets last night by a procession of eight gentlemen who were parading these streets between the hours of eight and nine p.m., and occasionally stopping to ask questions or look about them.
“It was soon ascertained the spokesman was the general rector of the church of St. Thomas, that his companions were prominent workers of his congregation, and the object of their expedition was to find out if it would be advisable to open a mission in the northeast part of the city. Canon Curran was greatly encouraged by the reception he met with last, as there are prospects of a good congregation if a church is started there, this section being well settled now. The locality selected for the building is near the corner of Barton street and Smith avenue.”2
2 “A New East End Mission” Hamilton Spectator. June 11, 1885

A few selections from ‘The Diurnal Epitome : What Goeth In and About the City” column of June 11, 1885 :
“Yesterday’s temperature as registered at Harrison Bros.’ drug store : 9 a.m. 64o ; 12 noon 71o ;  2 p.m. 76 o
“Twenty-six years ago this morning, a heavy frost destroyed the wheat, potatoes and other crops in the region round about Hamilton.
“A stone dwelling house on the corner of Rebecca and Catharine streets has been condemned as unsafe by the building inspector. The family which has lived in it has moved out, and the building has been enclosed. It will be torn down.
“Over 200 persons took advantage of the joint excursion of the De Shomberg commandery and Independent band last evening to visit the Beach. The evening was fine, and a very pleasant time was spent by the excursionists in listening to the music supplied by the band, watching the drilling of the plumed knights, taking a turn in the roller skating rink, or wandering along the shore. The excursion train returned to the city about midnight.
“A well-dressed and respectable looking woman entered G. H. Lees and Co.s’ jewelry store yesterday morning and asked to look at some brooches. Several fine ones were shown her, but she left the store without making a purchase. She had hardly got outside before Mr. Lees discovered that one of the brooches was missing. He followed the woman, overtook her, and taxed her with stealing the brooch. After some hesitation she confessed that she had stolen it, and giving it back, hurried away.
“At the police court yesterday morning, Augustus Lawlor was charged by William MacFarlane with the larceny of a pair of boots valued at $2.75. He pleaded guilty and said that he was drunk, or he would have done nothing wrong. Lawlor’s record was produced showing that he had been twice sent to central prison and several times to central prison and several times to jail for various offenses. At central prison he had had two fingers cut off, and it was stated that he cut them off intentionally so that he would not have to work. He was sent to central prison for six months.

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